Phertifol 13+

तनाव से मुक्ति बंपर पैदावार
फर्टिफॉल 13+ : पौधों को दे समर्पण पोष्ण ( प्राईमरी, सकैन्डरी पोश्क तत्व व समुर्न्द् शैवाल की शक्ति के साथ ) पोधों के खाना बनाने कि क्रिया को तेज करता है। जो दे मजबूत जड़ तंत्र व ज्यादा फुटाव (कल्ले) हरी भरी व तंदरूस्त फसल। पौधों के तनाव को कम करे के पैदावार में बढ़ोतरी करता है।


Nitrogen as N : 13.0%
Phosphorus as P205: 13.0%
Potassium as K20: 13.0%
Magnesium as MgO: 1.5%
Zinc as Zn: 0.052%
Ferrous as Fe: 0.048%
Copper as Cu : 0.030%
Manganese as Mn: 0.045%
Boron as B: 0.022%
Molybdenum as Mo : 0.0009%
PH: 4-5 (10% solution)
Specific Gravity : 1.48-1.53
Dose at the rate 2.5 ml/per liter of water should be mixed thoroughly for foliar spray. It can be also given in drip, dilute 350 ml/20 Ir water. application can be repeated every 15-20 days.
  1. Complete food for all crops.
  2. Increases yield significantly.
  3. Stop flower and fruit dropping.
  4. Improves quality of crops.
  5. Enhance protein synthesis, increasing tolerance against diseases and climate stress.
  6. Improve product quality and quantity also increase productivity.
PHERTIFOL13+ highly potent formula for plant growth and development of healthy plants. it is recommended for all agriculture and horticulture crops like fruits, vegetables, flowers, beans, cotton, paddy & wheat etc.


Phertifol 13+ : Provide whole Nutrients to plants (with the power of primary, secondary nutrients and NPK Fertilizer) accelerates the process of making food of plants. Which gives strong root system more blooms (calls) green and healthy crop. Reduces plant stress and increases yield.

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